Beggs – Windy Day at Seaford

Having decided that I wanted to paint sparkling windswept water, I decided to make it harder by throwing in some people, and not just little distant figures either. Then for reasons unknown, I set the timing to be at midday, when there are only small tight shadows to suggest the passage of light.

Every painting is another step forward, a learning experience.

Maybe I’ll call it impressionism, given the lack of good darks. But then the horizon should be darker. Yeah, it would have been good to realise that before you put the highlights on. No, just leave it. Get onto the next one.

Lots of internal struggles. Sometimes you paint for four hours and wish you had stopped at three. Sometimes you just back off. Sometimes you overwork it. The challenge remains. If it’s not a challenge, where’s the fun.

More from Geoff Beggs


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