Tea – A Sonnet

14 June 2019

My friend, a young mother, opined on how different holidays had become, now that children had arrived: “no sleeping in, no lazy breakfasts, no candlelight, no roses – instead we have nappies and early mornings and peanut butter sandwiches. Holidays with kids are not so romantic. But every now and then they get distracted and you get to hold hands and have a cup of tea. Is there a sonnet about that?”.

Challenge accepted.


When sleep doth flee at break of day’s new light
And food must all consumed be in a rush
When the light of even is harsh and bright
It’s rays illuminate a food like mush
Reflects upon the bare and empty vase
Shines forth in stark and bolder brighter hues
Like stars that take their cue from warlike Mars
Offspring bounce up and keen romance doth lose
And now perchance they see a new bright thing
And tumble off to take a time to play
To laugh and run, explore imagine sing
While glances exchanged are more than to say
That hands can be held and moments be free
That life can be grand, and a cup of tea


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