
15 October 2014

A gentle breeze running waves through the grass

Ghostly gums stand guard under soft sky

A scent of fresh earth

Young, and older, file quietly by


Six men carry him with purpose now

The preacher reminds all of the hope

A bird cries above

Lifts on the breeze, wheels over the slope


Mum and Dad and brother and sisters

Hold each other close and they weep

A son is placed here

In the rich earth a man laid to sleep


A zephyr of wind, patter of leaves

Petals rain down from hands wet with tears

No voice can be heard

Until one cries out: “for Bill three cheers”


Across the gentle slopes cheers ring out

Birds lift up and sail on Spring’s light air

All the lives he touched

Unite their voices, express their care


In the afternoon light of the day

In our thoughts and hopes we hear him still

The Dad says let’s go

In the welcoming field we leave Bill




After my nephew, Bill Spencer, was buried on 15 October 2014, at the age of 26, following an accident.

Image: Tobias Keller on Unsplash

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