Beggs – Iso Exercise

Victoria was in isolation to meet the challenge of the global Covid-19 pandemic. At its height, our period of isolation “iso” at home was only punctuated by short periods of exercise – two people at a time for one hour each day.

The vast majority of us just got on with it. We followed the rules, recognising that the alternative was worse. An additional and unnecessary burden we carried was a news media pack which had decided that they know how we are all feeling: that we are all suffering and that we are all at breaking point. They amplify voices dismissing health advice, and highlight the actions of very small protest groups as if they represent us.

The painting is trying to capture the genuine loneliness of ‘iso’, but also the determination of Victorians to see it through – that ‘we’ve got this’. Through the use of the two solitary masked figures and the breaking dawn, we see a mixture of isolation and hope. This was the Victorian mood during “iso”.


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